Remnant Online Fellowship
! Teachers
"It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter"
~ Prov 25:2
People are waking up to the realization that mainstream everything is not what it seems after all. What the mainstream won't talk about are the things these teachers will. Theirs isn't a message of doom and gloom however. Its about exposing the truth for what it is and inspiring people with the hope we have in Jesus Christ. Join with those below who are helping to un-blur the lines between deception and truth by researching out the biblical implications of the world around us.

Since 2003, Get A Life Ministries
has been actively sharing the Gospel through the very media that the enemy
uses against us. Through online videos, DVD's, books, Conferences and social media, Get A Life Ministries has been sharing the Gospel message with
all who will listen.

Bestselling author,
researcher, conference speaker
and media personality. Appeared on
Christian TV and radio shows, like God
TV, TBN’s Praise the Lord, Daystar’s Marcus
and Joni, Sid Roth, Jewish Voice, Jan Markell and more. His articles have been published worldwide on sites like World Net Daily and
the Christian Post. Bill is an expert at
explaining the prophetic relevance of current Middle East and world events allowing prophecy to speak for itself,
rather than modernizing it into
newspaper exegesis.

Randy Conway
is an American Poet. He has
written hundreds of poems and his
verses have been featured on national
and international radio talk shows. Conway
is best known for his series of poems that cover powerful observations on subjects such as End Time prophecies, religion, government corruption, patriotism, life’s struggles, worship and life and death. The goal of Randy Conway Poems is to be catalyst for the Kingdom. It is our prayer that
each poem is not only seen as a means
driving home a point for a message but
is itself a message of truth, hope,
encouragement, repentance
and lifts up the person
of Jesus Christ.

I am Pastor Brandon Holthaus,
and I want to welcome you to our
ministry. We desire to reach people
with the truth; believers and unbelievers
alike. We connect dots of events that are happening in the world from a Biblical perspective and also a prophetic perspective.
We offer prophecy updates, discipleship
lessons, and sermons to help people grow
in the Lord and come to the knowledge
of the truth.

Thomas and Jared
work within e deliverance
community and have a passion for
arming the average believer within the
body of Christ with the basic tools
necessary to engage dark spiritual powers
and principalities while simultaneously exposing current events involving many occult practices ranging from satanic ritual abuse and crime to occult themes in
pop culture, new age infiltration of
the church and to help fractured
victims who suffer from
Dissociative Identity

YouthFire and the
ministry of Dr. Gregory Reid are
commissioned to speak truth in an
age of deception, challenge the lies of the occult, expose criminal occult, pedophile
and human trafficking practices, train
believers in spiritual warfare, and
provide sound and radical biblical
truth concerning the last days
and our role as believers in
this critical hour before
Jesus’ return.

Omega Dynamics is a
christian ministry dedicated
to strengthening and equipping
our identity in Christ as the warrior
redeemed; An identity that has been
reduced, maligned, assaulted on every
front. Our mission is this: To teach, train,
and equip “those with ears to hear ” to
stand anew in their rightful place as
more than conquerors in a kingdom
that cannot be shaken….this
generation is literally,
eternally dying for
us to!

Patrick Wood is a
leading and critical expert on
Sustainable Development, Green
Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda
and historic Technocracy.
His current research builds on Trilateral Commission hegemony, focusing on Technocracy, Transhumanism and
Scientism, and how these
are transforming global
economics, politics
and religion.

is a show that brings News and
Current events paired with relevant analysis and deconstruction of Corporate News reporting. All from a Biblical worldview! Hosted by us, Basil and
Gonz of the Canary Cry Radio

The vision of Main Thing Ministries
is to equip believers and 'churches with God's vintage truth, to deepen them in Scripture, to wake the Bride and to strengthen her with confidence
and hope, and to help prepare
her for the soon return of
Jesus, the Bridegroom.

Pastor Tom Hughes
desires to point people to the
HOPE that is found in Jesus Christ.
We use the ENTIRE Word of God to
point people to the HOPE. We believe that one of the most powerful tools is the prophetic Word of God, as it
points to the fact that Jesus
is coming again!

Koinonia House is the
501(c) (3) publishing ministry of
Chuck and Nancy Missler. Our Mission Statement is: To create, develop, and distribute materials to stimulate, encourage, and facilitate serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God.

Carl Teichrib is a
Canadian-based researcher,
writer, and lecturer focusing on the
paradigm shift sweeping the Western
world, including the challenges and opportunities faced by Christians. Over the years he has attended a range of internationally significant political, religious, and social events in his quest to understand the historical and contemporary forces of transformation – including the 2015
and 2018 Parliament of the Worlds
Religions, Burning Man, and the
United Nations Millennium

Don't Let Them Burn
exists to spread the Gospel
of Jesus Christ and expose the
works of darkness!
We discuss topics exposing the evils
inside of our entertainment. In addition, we
delve into topics like bible prophecy, end times, UFOs, the occult, Satanism, comic book movies, world news, Nephilim,
giants, the biblical family, the word
of god, technology, oneness, transhumanism, posthumanism,
new age, and a variety of
other subjects.

It's time to go around
Youtube's algorithms and ban on
Christian content - Daily Renegade is
your home to find videos and commentary about God, the Bible and the richness of spirituality that has been denied to
you for far too long!

I felt the call
to be a writer when I was
10 years old. Whether I am writing
poetry, young adult fiction, editorial pieces, devotionals, or apologetics,
my aim is to glorify the name of Yahweh
in all of my writing endeavors. My two greatest passions are Yeshua my Savior
and writing for His glory. My mission statement that undergirds everything
I write is to always do my BEST:
B ring glory to Yahweh by
E xposing Satan, while
S etting captives free
T il Yeshua returns!

Gary Wayne,
author ofThe Genesis 6
Conspiracy: HowSecret Societies
and the Descendants of Giants Plan
to Enslave Mankind, details the role of
modern-day Nephilim in Satan’s plan to
install the Antichrist at the End of Days. Gary Wayne is a Christian contrarian who has maintained a lifelong love affair with
biblical prophecy, history and mythology.
His extensive study has encompassed the
Bible and Gnostic scriptures, the Qur’an,
the Bhagavad Gita, Gilgamesh and
other ancient epics, language
etymology, and secret
society publications.

PASS THE SALT is committed
to bringing together the body of
Christ across denominational, racial, and economical borders to demonstrate to America the power of Biblical unity. Our vision is to unite, organize, and mobilize
the Army of God to be SALT and
Light as stated in MATTHEW

Lisa Haven
is an independent Christian
news analyst and has been seen
and heard on broadcasts around the
world. In addition to being a top contributor
on BeforeItsNews her YouTube channel, and
multiple other websites she authors, her message
is heard by nearly 300 thousand subscribed
followers and millions of additional viewers each month. Her experience extends into public and
private speaking engagements, written bible
studies and investigative reporting. With decades
of continual research and a deep passion for her subject manner she is able to uncover and
spread truth where ever it may be hidden
in a message her audience understands,
appreciates and depends on.

We are a Christ-centered ministry
creating Truth-telling content through
TV, film and David’s online interviews.
We’re grateful for your partnership to battle the attacks of the enemy and
spread the Gospel Truth. If you
partner with us in prayer,
email to let us know.

The Hidden Day
was born straight from the
heart of Yahuah. We are VERY near
to Jesus’ return, and we believe it is the rapture first, then to return again to take
over the world and reign for 1000 years.Our teaching ministry is focused on this return. After all, it is the crux of the Gospel. It is His final victory over satan and his grip on this
world. It is the culmination of His work of redemption. Rev 19:10 worship God: for
the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Follow us on this exciting
journey into God’s Word to see
what fascinating revelations
He has for us!

Aaron Judkins
is a biblical archaeologist and
a producer known for "Finding
Noah” (2015), "Hidden Mt: the Los
Lunas Mystery Stone" (2012). He has
appeared in "Scientism Exposed 2" (2017), “Jurassic” (2015), “Finding Noah” (2015), "Watchers 8" (2014), & "Footprints in Stone:
Forbidden History II" (2013).
Important projects include excavations at the
Pool of Siloam in Jerusalem in 2004, the Tower
of Siloam in Jerusalem in 2008, the Search for
Noah's Ark in Eastern Turkey in 2013, and
Dead Sea Scroll Cave 53 (now re-
designated as DSS Cave 12) in
Qumran, Israel in 2017 recently
making the front cover of
National Geographic
People are waking up to the realization that mainstream everything is not what it seems after all. What the mainstream won't talk about are the things these teachers will. Theirs isn't a message of doom and gloom however. Its about exposing the truth for what it is and inspiring people with the hope we have in Jesus Christ. Join with those below who are helping to un-blur the lines between deception and truth by researching out the biblical implications of the world around us.
Scroll over content for more information!

Since 2003, Get A Life Ministries
has been actively sharing the Gospel through the very media that the enemy
uses against us. Through online videos, DVD's, books, Conferences and social media, Get A Life Ministries has been sharing the Gospel message with
all who will listen.

Bestselling author,
researcher, conference speaker
and media personality. Appeared on
Christian TV and radio shows, like God
TV, TBN’s Praise the Lord, Daystar’s Marcus
and Joni, Sid Roth, Jewish Voice, Jan Markell and more. His articles have been published worldwide on sites like World Net Daily and
the Christian Post. Bill is an expert at
explaining the prophetic relevance of current Middle East and world events allowing prophecy to speak for itself,
rather than modernizing it into
newspaper exegesis.

Randy Conway
is an American Poet. He has
written hundreds of poems and his
verses have been featured on national
and international radio talk shows. Conway
is best known for his series of poems that cover powerful observations on subjects such as End Time prophecies, religion, government corruption, patriotism, life’s struggles, worship and life and death. The goal of Randy Conway Poems is to be catalyst for the Kingdom. It is our prayer that
each poem is not only seen as a means
driving home a point for a message but
is itself a message of truth, hope,
encouragement, repentance
and lifts up the person
of Jesus Christ.

I am Pastor Brandon Holthaus,
and I want to welcome you to our
ministry. We desire to reach people
with the truth; believers and unbelievers
alike. We connect dots of events that are happening in the world from a Biblical perspective and also a prophetic perspective.
We offer prophecy updates, discipleship
lessons, and sermons to help people grow
in the Lord and come to the knowledge
of the truth.

Since 1999,
NBW Ministries has been
committed to promoting the clear,
accurate, and urgent Gospel message. According to the Bible, eternal life is found only through faith in Jesus Christ alone who died and rose again for our sins. We seek to advance the message of God’s amazing grace through a nationwide conference-speaking ministry on a variety of Biblical
and theological topics; through the publication and distribution of
books, streaming video, radio
and television interviews,
and more.

Thomas and Jared
work within e deliverance
community and have a passion for
arming the average believer within the
body of Christ with the basic tools
necessary to engage dark spiritual powers
and principalities while simultaneously exposing current events involving many occult practices ranging from satanic ritual abuse and crime to occult themes in
pop culture, new age infiltration of
the church and to help fractured
victims who suffer from
Dissociative Identity

YouthFire and the
ministry of Dr. Gregory Reid are
commissioned to speak truth in an
age of deception, challenge the lies of the occult, expose criminal occult, pedophile
and human trafficking practices, train
believers in spiritual warfare, and
provide sound and radical biblical
truth concerning the last days
and our role as believers in
this critical hour before
Jesus’ return.

Omega Dynamics is a
christian ministry dedicated
to strengthening and equipping
our identity in Christ as the warrior
redeemed; An identity that has been
reduced, maligned, assaulted on every
front. Our mission is this: To teach, train,
and equip “those with ears to hear ” to
stand anew in their rightful place as
more than conquerors in a kingdom
that cannot be shaken….this
generation is literally,
eternally dying for
us to!

Patrick Wood is a
leading and critical expert on
Sustainable Development, Green
Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda
and historic Technocracy.
His current research builds on Trilateral Commission hegemony, focusing on Technocracy, Transhumanism and
Scientism, and how these
are transforming global
economics, politics
and religion.

is a show that brings News and
Current events paired with relevant analysis and deconstruction of Corporate News reporting. All from a Biblical worldview! Hosted by us, Basil and
Gonz of the Canary Cry Radio

The vision of Main Thing Ministries
is to equip believers and 'churches with God's vintage truth, to deepen them in Scripture, to wake the Bride and to strengthen her with confidence
and hope, and to help prepare
her for the soon return of
Jesus, the Bridegroom.

Pastor Tom Hughes
desires to point people to the
HOPE that is found in Jesus Christ.
We use the ENTIRE Word of God to
point people to the HOPE. We believe that one of the most powerful tools is the prophetic Word of God, as it
points to the fact that Jesus
is coming again!

Koinonia House is the
501(c) (3) publishing ministry of
Chuck and Nancy Missler. Our Mission Statement is: To create, develop, and distribute materials to stimulate, encourage, and facilitate serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God.

Carl Teichrib is a
Canadian-based researcher,
writer, and lecturer focusing on the
paradigm shift sweeping the Western
world, including the challenges and opportunities faced by Christians. Over the years he has attended a range of internationally significant political, religious, and social events in his quest to understand the historical and contemporary forces of transformation – including the 2015
and 2018 Parliament of the Worlds
Religions, Burning Man, and the
United Nations Millennium

Don't Let Them Burn
exists to spread the Gospel
of Jesus Christ and expose the
works of darkness!
We discuss topics exposing the evils
inside of our entertainment. In addition, we
delve into topics like bible prophecy, end times, UFOs, the occult, Satanism, comic book movies, world news, Nephilim,
giants, the biblical family, the word
of god, technology, oneness, transhumanism, posthumanism,
new age, and a variety of
other subjects.

I felt the call
to be a writer when I was
10 years old. Whether I am writing
poetry, young adult fiction, editorial pieces, devotionals, or apologetics,
my aim is to glorify the name of Yahweh
in all of my writing endeavors. My two greatest passions are Yeshua my Savior
and writing for His glory. My mission statement that undergirds everything
I write is to always do my BEST:
B ring glory to Yahweh by
E xposing Satan, while
S etting captives free
T il Yeshua returns!

Gary Wayne,
author ofThe Genesis 6
Conspiracy: HowSecret Societies
and the Descendants of Giants Plan
to Enslave Mankind, details the role of
modern-day Nephilim in Satan’s plan to
install the Antichrist at the End of Days. Gary Wayne is a Christian contrarian who has maintained a lifelong love affair with
biblical prophecy, history and mythology.
His extensive study has encompassed the
Bible and Gnostic scriptures, the Qur’an,
the Bhagavad Gita, Gilgamesh and
other ancient epics, language
etymology, and secret
society publications.

PASS THE SALT is committed
to bringing together the body of
Christ across denominational, racial, and economical borders to demonstrate to America the power of Biblical unity. Our vision is to unite, organize, and mobilize
the Army of God to be SALT and
Light as stated in MATTHEW

It's time to go around
Youtube's algorithms and ban on
Christian content - Daily Renegade is
your home to find videos and commentary about God, the Bible and the richness of spirituality that has been denied to
you for far too long!

We are a Christ-centered ministry
creating Truth-telling content through
TV, film and David’s online interviews.
We’re grateful for your partnership to battle the attacks of the enemy and
spread the Gospel Truth. If you
partner with us in prayer,
email to let us know.

The Hidden Day
was born straight from the
heart of Yahuah. We are VERY near
to Jesus’ return, and we believe it is the rapture first, then to return again to take
over the world and reign for 1000 years.Our teaching ministry is focused on this return. After all, it is the crux of the Gospel. It is His final victory over satan and his grip on this
world. It is the culmination of His work of redemption. Rev 19:10 worship God: for
the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Follow us on this exciting
journey into God’s Word to see
what fascinating revelations
He has for us!

Aaron Judkins
is a biblical archaeologist and
a producer known for "Finding
Noah” (2015), "Hidden Mt: the Los
Lunas Mystery Stone" (2012). He has
appeared in "Scientism Exposed 2" (2017), “Jurassic” (2015), “Finding Noah” (2015), "Watchers 8" (2014), & "Footprints in Stone:
Forbidden History II" (2013).
Important projects include excavations at the
Pool of Siloam in Jerusalem in 2004, the Tower
of Siloam in Jerusalem in 2008, the Search for
Noah's Ark in Eastern Turkey in 2013, and
Dead Sea Scroll Cave 53 (now re-
designated as DSS Cave 12) in
Qumran, Israel in 2017 recently
making the front cover of
National Geographic

Wisconsin Christian
NEWSPAPER based in Wisconsin and
is a cooperative effort by active Christians
written by members of our "WCN family"
of contributors. WCN attempts, at all times, to publish the truth as we know it, regardless of "political correctness," standing up for America's historical Christian heritage and urging a return
to the moral standards that our country once promoted. WCN focuses equally on reaching
those who are lost and seeking, or those who
have been alienated from church as an
institution in the past. We hope you are
blessed and become a regular reader.
Rob is an ordained minister and the
founder and publisher of
Friends of Remnant Online Fellowship
We'd love to hear from you
"Study to show thyself approved unto God; a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth." II Timothy 2:15
the FINE print!
We are all passionate about getting out the importance of understanding bible prophecy and the end times. Because every researcher has their own specialty, it creates an environment where they, you or even us may not entirely agree on everything others have to say. Remnant Online Fellowship is designed to put people in front of information and resources that discusses end time prophetic events and what that looks like in the world we are currently living in. We agree those events are going to happen as written in the bible, but recognize that not everyone will agree on how they may actually play out. Feel free to discuss and research the information as presented while respecting those using this platform for what it was designed for. Remnant will not divide on information presented here. Lets be comforted in the knowledge that as we rightly divide the word of truth and search out a matter, we know that we are heading into a time where our redemption is drawing near.